However you will not be able to provide a password for su (see remote command execution limitations). So you may be able to do the above only if you are allowed to do sudo su without being prompted with password. See sudo documentation to learn how to do that.

Linux command line basics: sudo | Enable Sysadmin Feb 11, 2020 sudo - Debian Wiki Sudo (sometimes considered as short for Super-user do) is a program designed to let system administrators allow some users to execute some commands as root (or another user). The basic philosophy is to give as few privileges as possible but still allow people to get their work done. Sudo is also an effective way to log who ran which command and when. How to use Sudo Su Command in Linux Ubuntu 19.10/18.04 LTS?

postgresql - What's the difference between sudo su

Sep 17, 2019 · The sudo command allows you to run programs as another user, by default the root user.. If the user is granted with sudo assess the su command will be invoked as root. Running sudo su - and using the user password is the same as running su - using the root password. Auditing/logging: when a sudo command is executed, the original username and the command are logged. For the reasons above, switching to root using sudo -i (or sudo su) is usually deprecated because it cancels the above features. Users and sudo. Debian's default configuration allows users in the sudo group to run any command via sudo.

How to Switch User Using the "su" Command

In one of our earlier articles, we discussed the ‘sudo’ command in detail. Towards the ends of that tutorial, there was a mention of another similar command ‘su’ in a small note. In this article, we will discuss in detail the ‘su’ command as well as how it differs from the ‘sudo’ command. The main work … SUDO_KILLER is a tool that can be used for privilege escalation on linux environment by abusing SUDO in several ways. The tool helps to identify misconfiguration within sudo rules, vulnerability within the version of sudo being used (CVEs and vulns) and the use of dangerous binary, all of these could be abused to elevate privilege to ROOT. Mar 28, 2016 · su - username; As the new user, verify that you can use sudo by prepending “sudo” to the command that you want to run with superuser privileges. sudo command_to_run; For example, you can list the contents of the /root directory, which is normally only accessible to the root user. sudo ls -la /root