
QNAP 帳戶 此 QNAP ID 未經驗證。 您的「{social_network}」帳戶已在 QNAP 註冊,不過您的個人資料設定不允許以「{social_network1}」帳戶登入,而必須以 QNAP ID 登入。稍後可到個人資料設定中變更這項設定。 您不符合最低年齡要求。 無法擷取您的 Google QNAP License Manager I have read and agree to the {terms_of_service} and {product_agreement}. I have read and agree to the {terms_of_service}. Unable to add to cart. The product quantity you specified exceeds the maximum amount. here Old QNAP License Store QNAP Product Support Status To use the new QNAP License Store, upgrade your firmware to {verison} or a later

Encontramos um QNAP ID que usa este e-mail: {email}. Insira a senha do seu QNAP ID para vincular sua conta {platform}. Criaremos um QNAP ID e o vincularemos à sua conta {platform}. Digite uma senha para seu QNAP ID. Não é possível acessar {platform}. Tente novamente. Não há um endereço de e-mail vinculado a esta conta {platform}.

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${_("@This page offers system status information for myQNAPcloud Apps services. If you are experiencing a problem that isn't shown here, please visit the QNAP helpdesk.@")}$

Besuchen Sie den QNAP-Software Store, um die professionelle Kapazität Ihres NAS-Modells zu verbessern. Ein myQNAPcloud-Konto erstellen. Mit nur wenigen einfachen Schritten können Sie remote auf Ihr QNAP-NAS zugreifen. Service Portal. Wenn Sie Hilfe zu QNAP-Produkten benötigen, können Sie hier ein Support-Ticket erstellen und einreichen.